If the system timezone is different from the timezone of the user specified on the Change Success Score PA jobs the scores may not be updated correctlyDescriptionBy default the Change Success Score PA jobs (e.g. "Change success score metrics (Daily)") are configured to run as user "System administrator". If the "System administrator" user record has been updated to have a timezone that is different to that of the "system" timezone then it is possible that the Change Success Score calculations will not be updated with the correct scores.Similarly, if the "Run as tz" value specified on the Change Success Score PA jobs is different to that of the system timezone then this can cause the same issue. The problem is to do with inconsistent use of timezones The PA jobs will impersonate the user specified in the "Run as" field (by default this is "System administrator") before collecting data and as such run in the Timezone on that user record.The scripting part which is called by a Script Action will run as the "System" user and so run in the default system timezone. If the timezone of the "Run as" user is different to that of the "System" then the PA scores could potentially be collected for 1 day while the script called by the Scrript Action will then try to find scores for a different day due to the timezone difference. This can result in the scores not changing because the scripts to store the latest scores in the "Metric" ["metric_instance"] table never manage to find any PA data and so no adjustments are made to the scores.Steps to Reproduce Perform the following steps between midnight and 6am in the UTC timezone: 1. Install plugin Change Success Score [com.snc.change_management.change_success_score]2. Modify the default system timezone to UTC (open system property "glide.sys.default.tz" and update the value to "UTC")3. Open user record "System administrator" and update the Timezone to "US/Pacific"4. Create a closed Change Request with a close code of "Unsuccessful" and an Actual End date that is on the previous day for the US/Pacific timezone (simplest way to ensure this is to change your session timezone to US/Pacific)5. Open PA job "Change success score metrics (Daily)" and use the "Execute Now" button to run the collection for this job6. Open table "pa_scores_l1" and filter by Indicator is "Unsuccessful changes.Yesterday"7. Note that there is a record with a value of 1 for yesterday's date (this is because the PA job ran in the US/Pacific timezone and so at 02:00 UTC when the job runs, it's the previous day in the US timezone) - make a note of the sys_id in the "Element" column of the PA scores record (this is the sys_id of the Group that was used when creating the Change request in step 4)8. Open the "metric_instance" table9. Filter by Metric definition is "Change success score" and ID is the sys_id in the Element field from step 7 above Expected: the latest record shown in the Metrics list has a value of 495 due to the unsuccessful Change Request Actual: the latest record still has the default score of 500WorkaroundThis is fixed in the San Diego release and later. Prior to San Diego the only workaround is to ensure that the "Run as" or "Run as TZ" specified on the Change Success Score PA jobs has the same timezone as the system one.The system property for an instance can be found in the "Basic Configuration" module within the "System Properties" application.Related Problem: PRB1537511