On the Change Overview page in Service Operations Workspace (SOW), change risk evaluation does not run and errors show up in logs DescriptionOn the Change Overview page in Service Operations Workspace (SOW), change risk evaluation does not run and errors show up in logs. This includes when run from the Change Call to Action preventing the risk card from displaying in the the contextual sidebar.Steps to Reproduce Install scoped app: app-now-azure-core2. Install scoped app: app-tcm-collab3. Install scoped app: app-now-ms-teams4. Create a new Normal change request in Service Operations Workspace (SOW)5. Click the Assess Risk call to action button. Expected:Risk is evaluated Actual:Error and risk is not evaluatedWorkaround Modify the script include name: ChangeRisk sys_id: 55c8367853921110532cddeeff7b1246 adding the following code below. Alternatively import the file attached: sys_script_include_55c8367853921110532cddeeff7b1246.xml getUserProfile: function (userGr) { if (!userGr) return {}; var userSysId = userGr.getUniqueValue(); var userInfo = { userID: userSysId, avatar: userGr.avatar ? '/' + userGr.avatar + '.iix?t=small' : '', initials: this._getInitials(userGr.getValue('name')), name: userGr.name.getDisplayValue(), title: userGr.title ? userGr.title.getDisplayValue() : '-', vip: userGr.vip ? [{ label: gs.getMessage('VIP'), color: 'critical' }] : [], department: userGr.department.getDisplayValue(), timeZone: userGr.time_zone.getDisplayValue() || '' }; var businessPhoneVal = userGr.phone.getDisplayValue() + ''; if(businessPhoneVal){ userInfo.phone = { id: 'phone', label: userGr.phone.getLabel(), value: businessPhoneVal, type: 'phone', clickable: true }; } var mobilePhoneVal = userGr.mobile_phone.getDisplayValue() + ''; if(mobilePhoneVal){ userInfo.mobile = { id: 'mobile', label: userGr.mobile_phone.getLabel(), value: mobilePhoneVal, type: 'phone', clickable: true }; } if(userGr.email.canRead()){ var emailVal = userGr.email + ''; if(emailVal){ userInfo.email = { id: 'email', label: userGr.email.getLabel(), value: emailVal, type: 'email', clickable: true }; } } if(userGr.location){ var location = userGr.location.getRefRecord(); var state = location.getDisplayValue('state') + ''; var city = location.getDisplayValue('city') + ''; if(city || state){ var locationVal = state && city ? city + ', ' + state : state ? state : city; userInfo.location = { id: 'location', label: location.getLabel(), value: locationVal, type: 'address' }; } } return userInfo; }, Related Problem: PRB1637796