Matching Risk condition with risk set to leave alone, overriding risk value and setting it to null/empty, when risk assessment plugin activated by change does not match a risk assessmentDescriptionWhen a matching Risk condition has a risk set to: Leave alone, and the Change Risk Assessment plugin is active, but the change request does not match a risk assessment, any user updates in the form that set the risk value are ignored.Steps to Reproduce 1. install Change Risk Assessment plugin.2. Set change Risk evaluation to run on Business Rule.3. create a risk condition that sets risk value to leave alone, and deactivate all other risk conditions.4. create a change that does not match change risk assessment but does match the risk condition created.5. Set the risk value to moderate.6. save the change request. Expected:Risk set to moderate and change risk details shows matching risk condition with risk: Not set Actual:Risk set to null/empty or previous value, ignoring user set value and, message says risk set to: undefined. WorkaroundImport two script includes: RiskCalculator and ChangeRiskAsmtRelated Problem: PRB1638898