Exceptional growth for table sys_flow_report_doc_chunk_a5eIssue Table 'sys_flow_report_doc_chunk_a5e' growth trend shows exceptional growth Please note that tables [sys_flow_report_doc_chunk_archive] and [sys_flow_report_doc_chunk_a5e] are the same thing. There is a limit on the length of table names in MariaDB and so we get around this in the platform by aliasing the User friendly version of the table name with what the table is actually stored as on the DB. The '5' in the 'a5e' part is the number of characters that have been replaced with the '5' character - 'rchiv'CauseSystem property 'com.snc.process_flow.reporting.level' is set to TRACE https://<instance name>/sys_properties.do?sys_id=7263adf377032300c8c2d6553b106110&sysparm_record_target=sys_properties&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=1&sysparm_record_list=nameSTARTSWITHcom.snc.process_flow.reporting.level%5EORDERBYname The above property is global and when turned ON/set to any other logging level, the system generates execution details each time the flow, sub-flow, or any action is run in the flow reporting tables.ResolutionIt is recommended to set the active flow reporting OFF in production instances, if needed to be activated for troubleshooting, do it on a per-flow basis, not for all flowsYou can disable reporting for an individual flow or action by creating a record on the Settings [sys_flow_execution_setting] table. Navigate to Flow Designer > Settings to access this table. Create a record, and select a flow, sub-flow, or action. Enable or disable reporting using the Reporting field.Related LinksFlow execution details retention Flow Execution Details When Flow Reporting (com.snc.process_flow.reporting) is turned OFF/ON - KB1113176