Aggregate API - 'Maximum Execution Time Exceeded' Error When Using 'Dot Walking' Sysparm_group_by Query ParameterIssue Sometimes, when using the Aggregate API and including a 'dot walked' field reference in the sysparm_group_by query parameter, the response body may contain an error message indicating that the maximum execution time has been exceeded. For Example: "error": {"message": "Exception while executing request: Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceeded","detail": "Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceeded Check logs for error trace or enable property to verify REST request processing"}CauseUsing dot walking can be a costly operation, particularly when it involves accessing large tables in ServiceNow or when used in conjunction with other fields in the sysparm_group_by query parameter.ResolutionTo mitigate this issue, adjustment of the "Maximum Duration (seconds)" for the "REST Aggregate API request timeout" Transaction Quota Rule would be a recommended place to start. Prior to configuring a new transaction quota value, it is recommended to review the transaction activities for your instance by accessing User Administration and navigating to Active Transactions.By reviewing the transaction load, you can determine an appropriate quota that aligns with your instance's needs. To obtain additional information about Transaction Quota Rules refer to the documents below Transaction quotasDefault quota rules