Customized name for candidates in Automated Service Suggestion We are introducing a way that the customer can implement his own logic to populate the candidate's main name suggestion according to the candidate name suggestions. If the customer implements this, it will override the default priority list logic. Otherwise, or if the customer logic will return an invalid value, the default priority list logic will be executed. The default logic to populate the candidate's main name suggestion is according to priority list. The priority list is a system property that contains the candidate name suggestions field names in a comma separated value. The candidate name suggestion fields name are the columns name from 'sa_ml_application_service_candidate' table. The name suggestion in the property should be according to the desired name suggestion order. The candidate's main name suggestion will be populated with the first non-empty name according to the order in the system property. System property – Default value - 'lb_name,probe_name,name' How it works: The customer logic should be implemented in script include ASCCustomizedCandidateNameSuggestion. The script has a function called getNameSuggestion, the application calls this specific function, so it is forbidden to change the script include name or function name. The function input is a JSON object named 'ascNameObj' that contains the following properties: sysId - candidate sys id.number = candidate number.nameSuggestion = candidate current main name suggestion.nameSuggestionSource = candidate current main name suggestion source.afpNameSuggestion = candidate afp name suggestion.entryPointNameSuggestion = candidate entry point name suggestion.loadBalancerNameSuggestion = candidate load balancer name suggestion. The function should return the main name suggestion as a string. If the function returns nothing or an empty string, the default priority list logic will populate the name suggestion field.In addition, in case the customer function returns a valid value, the candidate's name suggestion source will be 'Customized Name'. After the customer implements the customized name script, all candidates need to be recalculated to get the updated name. To recalculate all candidate, you need to delete the next hash in table 'sa_hash': sa_asc_recalculate_all_done