[Teams VA] Customize manifest - Remove Chat tab or Reorder tabsSummaryFeature related to ServiceNow for Microsoft Teams apps. Edit manifest.json available from manifest launcher page. Note: Below explanations assume the Manifest has been created successfully as per the requirement and ServiceNow documentation. If you are making the following changes, this is completely your customization. How to remove Virtual agent CHAT tab? Once manifest has been generated and downloaded: Unzip the zip file downloaded Open the unzipped folder and open manifest.json file to edit Open and edit the JSON file If the requirement is to remove CHAT tab from the APP, remove "bots": the whole JSON Array object from the manifestSave the file and compress it back with all the files under the unzipped folder (including color and outling png files) Upload the manifest to Teams admin center. In case the app was already uploaded, make sure to delete and re-upload the new zip file. How to re-order the TABs in ServiceNow for Teams apps? By default: Chat, files, Employee Center (or your custom tab name), About is the out-of-the-box (OOTB) order. Follow below steps if you want to reorder this default setup. Microsoft documentation for reference here Once manifest has been generated and downloaded: Unzip the zip file downloadedOpen the unzipped folder and open manifest.json file to edit Open and edit the JSON file Reserved keywords for CHAT and ABOUT tabs are conversations and about respectivelyIn order for ServiceNow for Teams app to work with re-orderingGo to "staticTabs:" JSON Array object in the manifest, you will already have an entity for TAB (Employee Center/Your hub)When edited "staticTabs:" array, the array index will determine the order. For ex: In the screenshot about "Your hub" will be in index 0 and Chat tab will be index 1