Approver record belonging to two different groups get created only once in Ask for Approval actionSteps to reproduce:1. Create a normal change record and add policy such that it create approver record for two different group e.x database and database atlanta. 2. Make sure you are using flow designer( not workflow) for the change request.3. When you move the change to assess state, you can see approvers populating. 4. Bow user is part of database and database atlanta groups. 5. Bow approval record will be created only once either from database or database atlanta OR 1. Design a flow that requires two group approvals using the Ask for Approval action. as in the case of the "database" and "database atlanta" groups sharing the user "Bow" 2. The database and database atlanta groups include the bow user. 3. Create an incident and check to see that for user as "Bow", only one approver record got created. When using the Ask for Approval flow, this is the expected behavior.