Risk Value is updated as incomplete or No Match on change request.DescriptionThe Change Management - Risk Assessment provides a flexible way to capture information from the end user to calculate the risk of the associated change request. The issue is when risk is calculated through "calculate risk" ui action, then incomplete or No Match is shown under risk assessment. While this is expected behavior, you'll need to take the risk before the states defined in the risk assessment. Steps to reproduce:1.Raise the normal change request.2.Take the risk assessment.3.Move the State from "Review" to "Close"4.we can observe that risk condition/risk assessment value will appear as "incomplete/No match"CauseExpected behavior. The change risk assessment has the condition as state is one of new,access,authorize.ResolutionTake risk before the states defined in the risk assessment.https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/change_risk_asmt.do?sys_id=b049a2b0db42585093995ca5f396198f&sysparm_record_target=change_risk_asmt&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=5&sysparm_record_list=ORDERBYname