Unable to resolve or self assign a case.Issue Customer Service Management application enables you to provide service and support for your external customers through communication channels such as web, email, chat, telephone, and social media.The issue is user is uanble to assign the case to themselves. Steps to reproduce:1. Impersonate the affected user who is member of the group present on the case.2. Open the case.3. Click on assign to me then below error is thrown.You cannot self-assign this case as you are not authorized to work on cases assigned to service organization.CauseThis is expected behavior if the user is not part of the service organization present on the case.This could also happen if customizations are done to the "CSManagementUtils" script include, specifically (but not limited to) the "checkIfLoggedInUserCanFulfillCase" function.ResolutionRevert the customization on the "CSManagementUtils" Script Include to OOB or review the "checkIfLoggedInUserCanFulfillCase" function of the script for any custom code changes that might be affecting the out of the box behavior.