Pattern then is failing at " Validate Serial number or Name is not empty"Issue Devices are not getting discovered and showing an error 'Failed Exploring CI Pattern, Pattern name: Network Switch, To Check Pattern Log Press Here'. The pattern then is failing at " Validate Serial number or Name is not empty" where it is checking the following conditions:-Failed Condition(s): [(${cmdb_serial_number[1].serial_number} : value=) IS NOT EMPTY , (${cmdb_ci_ip_switch[1].name} : value=) IS NOT EMPTY ]CauseLooks like the device does not provide any result for all the OIDs (Object Identifiers) which are been used to query the serial number on the device. As the serial number is not populated from any of the steps, the pattern is failed in the step: Validate Serial number or Name is not empty as it is used to validate if the serial number is valid or empty.ResolutionDue to the Serial number and Name values being empty, the pattern then is failing at " Validate Serial number or Name is not empty" where it is checking the following conditions:- Failed Condition(s): [(${cmdb_serial_number[1].serial_number} : value=) IS NOT EMPTY , (${cmdb_ci_ip_switch[1].name} : value=) IS NOT EMPTY ] Next Steps: Suggest customer work with their internal team and review if the serial number OIDs that are being queried in the pattern has any information/data attached to it. Once they correct the data on the device, the next discovery will be successful.