Workflow Approval Group does not work if Group Users are in the Parent domain to the recordDescriptionIf the record (e.g. Change Request) with the attached workflow is in a parent domain to the 'Approval - Group' that is set by the Workflow. Then the approval is not createdSteps to Reproduce 0. add Company field to the change_request form if is missing 1. Activate plugin "Domain Support - Domain Extensions Installer" with demo data 2. Set next domain system properties glide.sys.domain.use_record_domain = true glide.sys.domain.use_record_domain_for_data = falseglide.sys.domain.use_record_domain_for_processes = false 3. Create domain : TOP/ACME/ACME Child (domain) 4. Create company "ACME Child" (core_company)- Domain = TOP/ACME/ACME Child- Customer = true 5. Create next users under ACME company with roles approver_user and change_manager- acme.approver1- acme.approver2 6. Create next groups under ACME company and add the corresponding user as follow: - ACME Group 1 -> acme.approver1- ACME Group 2 -> acme.approver2 7. Create a workflow under change_request table for type Normal with 2 Approval Group Activities on TOP Domain- Begin -> Approval ACME Group 1 -> Approval ACME Group 2 -> End(See attached image) 8.With Workflow editor disable execution of workflow "Change Request - Normal" 9. Impersonate user acme.itil and create a change_request with type Normal for company ACME Child 10. Impersonate user acme.approver1 and approve the record using the change_request form and thru the Tab "Approvers"- On the top of the form will be a message : "Your domain has been set to TOP/ACME/ACME Child"Go to change_request_list.doOpen Change Request from step 9Go to Approvers tab and approve directly in list view Expected:- An approval for user acme.approver2 should be created and workflow activity "Approval ACME Group 2" should be on running state Actual:- The approval is not created for user acme.approver2 and the workflow activity "Approval ACME Group 2" is skippedWorkaroundAdd a timer before the Approval group activity and since the workflow now runs as system, approvals from the group gets generated easily. This Workaround has the ability to create approvals for users that may not have visibility to the record that they are being asked to approve.Related Problem: PRB1334886