Unable to attach the attachments though user has roles Issue Even though a user has the necessary roles, when they try to attach an attachment, it fails. ReleaseAllCauseThe most probably root cause would be the below ACL, where there is a script which is causing the problem:var parentRecord = new GlideRecord(tableName);parentRecord.setWorkflow(false);if (!parentRecord.isValid() || !parentRecord.get(current.table_sys_id)) {if (current.sys_created_by.equals(gs.getUserName()))return true;return false;} https://<instance>.service-now.com/sys_security_acl.do?sys_id=0bcf23740a6a38d400c7e02590038464This is caused in the part of if (current.sys_created_by.equals(gs.getUserName())) .It is checking, whether the sys_created_by field's value is same as the logged in user or not.Due to this mismatch, the ACL failed and will cause the issue.This is primarily happening because the max length of userID field on the sys_user is 100, but the same on sys_created_by field on sys_attachment is 40.Due to the max length mismatch, the last few characters were truncated on the sys_created_by on sys_attachment.This further led to OOB ACL failure. This is one reason we do not recommend changing the max length of the sys_user table's userID field.Resolution Increase the max length of sys_created_by field of sys_attachment table from the dictionary.orCreate a new ACL without this check or at least devise some strategy to bypass this ACL.