Agent Assist not working in Agent Workspace for HR Case Management - "No Table Configuration" messageIssue Agent assist was showing “No Table Configuration” when clicking on the Agent Assist button in Workspace (for ER cases). This did work if you navigated to the HR Agent Workspace using the Application Navigator.Release- Tokyo Patch 3ResolutionIn the Agent Workspace for HR scope, open the cxs_table_config table and captured the sys_id of the records for the workspace that was configured for the sn_hr_core_case table.Go to the Agent Workspace in UIB by using the following URL: <instance_name>/now/build/ui/apps/a8a487e90fe120102208555db4767ed2/pages/6048b382eb0230106afc6bf3a2522842/variants/e848b382eb0230106afc6bf3a2522847 (I Builder --> HR Agent Workspace --> "Agent Assist" page --> "Agent Assist default" variant --> click on "Body(Grid)" Content)On the right, under Config:Paste the sys_id into the 'cxsTableConfig' fieldType sn_hr_core_case into the 'Table' field.Save the change and test.