How to control the depth level which the 'Refresh Impacted Services' UI Action is fetching from the CMDB relationships.Issue How to control the depth level which the 'Refresh Impacted Services' UI Action is fetching from the CMDB relationships.ResolutionAutomated Change Impact Assessments: "Include Affected CIs Property (change.refresh_impacted.include_affected_cis) Behavior when Property is "False" If this property is false then the primary configuration item on the change request form is used and any subsequent configuration items in the Affected CIs related list are ignored. In this case the relationships are read via the CMDB to get related record. The Configuration Item on the form is passed through to the CIUtils script include via the method "servicesAffectedByCI". This method iterates through the CMDB tree for that configuration item and if any related configuration items are of type "cmdb_ci_service" or "cmdb_ci_service_discovered" then these are then added. This keeps iterating through until the end of the tree has been reached or the max_depth (default to 10) is reached." In the 'CIUtils' Script Include, you can set the depth to whatever you want. By default, it is 10 (max) - this.maxDepth = gs.getProperty('glide.relationship.max_depth', 10)