Unable to install the pluginIssue Open any plugin from the system definition >> plugins and click on the install button it will load for a few seconds and show a success message. But once reload the page the install button still shows as it is not installed properly.ReleaseAllCauseThere is an existing orphan record present in the Applications table (sys_scope) for the same plugin which we are trying to install.ResolutionGo to the Applications table (sys_scope) and search with the plugin name and you will see the orphan record.Delete the orphan record and try to install the same plugin from the plugins list.You will see the plugin will install now without any issues.Related LinksTo know more about how to delete orphan records. Refer to below KBs: KB0727991: How to delete an orphaned Identity Provider record from an instance showing SSO access deniedKB0859805: After clone completion orphan records are observed in sys_connection, jdbc_connection and may be others TPC child tables.