Unable to submit a "Receive Purchase Order" when the license metric field is empty in the $po_receive.do pageDescriptionUnable to process a "Receive Purchase Order" when the license metric field is empty. Nothing happens when the "Submit" button is clicked in $po_receive.do page. The following error is displayed in the Web Console: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')at Object.validateSWItem (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:16801:41)at Object.validatePOLines (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:16751:42)at $scope.processRequest (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:16477:18)at fn (eval at compile (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:2748:409), <anonymous>:4:233)at e (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:2789:485)at r.$eval (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:2668:512)at r.$apply (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:2669:225)at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:2790:36)at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:20:12369)at r.handle (js_include_po_receive.jsx?v=11-23-2022_1843:20:9088) Steps to Reproduce The Software Asset Management Professional is activate.1. Create the following two users as follow: UserA with the following two roles:-itil -procurement_userUserB with the following two roles:-itil -sam_user2. Impersonate UserA and navigate to Procurement >> Orders >> Purchase Orders 3. Create a new Purchase Order, enter any value in the mandatory field "Ship to" and click on Submit. 4. Open the new Purchase Order, go to "Purchase order line items" TAB and create a new order line as follow: - Enter a Vendor- Enter a Product Model such as Adobe Systems Acrobat 10 Pro - Submit. NOTE: Since UserA has only the procumerent_user role, the "Metric group" and "License metric" fields are not displayed in the form, per the OOB ACLs and below client script: Client Script Name: Dynamically show Metric fieldshttps://[instance-name].servicenow.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_script_client.do?sys_id=c146cc6d3b632200e724ea2b34efc430 The "License metric" field is a reference field to the smap_sw_license_metric table. 5. Go to the Purchase Order and click on order.6. End impersonation and impersonate User B, navigate to Procurement >> Orders >> Purchase Orders 7. Open the Purchase Order created and click on the "Receive" button. The "Receive Purchase Order" page is displayed ($po_receive.do)Note the Asset Tag, Serial Number and License Metric are empty. 8. Click on the "Submit" button, nothing happens. And the error in the WebConsole is displayed.Expected behaviorUsers with the "procurement_user" role should be able to see and fill out the "License Metric" field. Actual behavior Clicking on the "Submit" button, nothing happens and the web console error is displayed.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available. As possible workaround, add the "procurement_user" role to the OOB read ACLs on the smap_sw_license_metric table. OOB only users with the "sam_user" role can display/read records in the smap_sw_license_metric table. Related Problem: PRB1630930