Renew Certificate (Automated) : Renew Request stuck in Work in ProgressDescriptionRenew Certificate (Automated): Renew Request stuck in Work in ProgressSteps to Reproduce 1) Login to the Instance.2) Navigate to Service Catalog >> Catalog Definitions >> Maintain Items3) Search for Renew Certificate (Automated)4) Click on UI action on top right (Try It)5) Fill all the mandatory details and submit the request.6) Approve the task with a user having sn_disco_certmgmt.pki_approver role 7) Observe that even though the renewal is successful, The request stays in Work in ProgressWorkaroundThe issue was occurring because of the limit of how many records we were receiving from DigiCert. Out of the box, the URL's limit parameter to 1000, to cap it at retrieving the first 1000 records from Digicert. If the certificate is outside of this, it will never be received, leaving the request to be stuck in 'Work In Progress Here is the script below: a workaround, Please follow the below approaches. 1) Raise the number in the limit parameterOR2) Remove the limit parameter entirely. Please note that this will have an adverse effect on performance as it will not retrieve every record from Digicert. The script looks as below after removing the limit parameters. var certReqAutomatedFlowObj = new sn_disco_certmgmt.CertificateRequestAutomatedFlow();certReqAutomatedFlowObj.trackCertificateOrderStatus('DigiCert', '/order/certificate', 'sn_disco_certmgmt.digicertcertificate_management'); This problem is currently under review and is targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available.Related Problem: PRB1632618