Migration tool fails to migrate search sources with multiple dot-walk conditions on a fieldDescriptionThe migration tool in AI Search for Next Experience fails to migrate search sources if it has multiple dot-walk conditions on a field.Steps to Reproduce 1. Install AI Search for Next Experience v2.0.2 app.2. Create a new zing search source (sys_search_source) with more than 1 dot-walk conditions on a particular field.Eg:Name: Knowledge & Catalog - Social Q&A QuestionsTable: kb_social_qa_question]Conditions:[Active].[is].[true][Knowledge Base.Active].[is].[true][Knowledge Base.Enable social questions and answers].[is].[true] 3. Link the zing search source created in step 2 to search app config using zing as the search engine. Example, 'Now Experience Search Configuration' (/sys_search_context_config.do?sys_id=c861cea2c7022010099a308dc7c26041) 4. Follow below steps to migrate the search app config from step 3 to AI Search.https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/tokyo-platform-administration/page/administer/ai-search/task/migrate-srch-apps-ais-next-exp.html Result: The search source fails to migrate to AI SearchError MessageAttribute 'dot_walk_fields' already exists for kb_social_qa_question : kb_knowledge_baseWorkaround1. Delete any empty search sources linked to the search profile. 2. On the kb_social_qa_question indexed source, update the dot_walk_fields attribute value for kb_knowledge_base field to 'active,enable_socialqa'. 3. Perform migration for the search application.Related Problem: PRB1618533