Delete "End session end point URL"SummaryCurrent behavior: When entering "End session end point URL" in the table oauth_oidc_entity, the value is disappeared in a few hours or one day. Expected behavior: Even when entering "End session end point URL" in the table oauth_oidc_entity, the value should not be disappeared. Reproduce steps: 1. Open below record in the table "oauth_oidc_entity" 2. Enter the value in the field "End session end point URL" https://xxx/v2/logout 3. Save it 4. In a few hours or one day, then the value is deleted.ReleaseAllInstructionsScheduled Script Execution "Refresh OIDC Well Known Configuration" was ran and it deleted the value. "End Session Endpoint URL" is imported from metadata URL, the URL did not include "End session end point URL". In the example , https://xxx/.well-known/openid-configuration/ should be configured with OIDC administrator.