Wait for a duration flow logic delayed in executionDescriptionSometimes, We set a 5 minutes [Wait for a duration] in the Flow, but we noticed it get processed after 20 minutes or longer. [1] https://docs.servicenow.com/ja-JP/bundle/quebec-servicenow-platform/page/administer/flow-designer/concept/flow-logic-wait-for-a-duration.htmlCauseThe Timer delay issue is normally happening when the system scheduler is very busy due to overloaded scheduled jobs within a certain period of time. Flow Designer flows run asynchronously meaning that they run in parallel with other scheduled jobs. There could be a scenario that for a certain period of time, there are too many jobs got executed by the system at the same time so it might take longer than expected for the Flow Engine Event Handler jobs to process flows. In this situation, flow execution can take additional time because the event queue is very busy or backed up. All flows are started via a "flow.fire" event. Therefore, if the event queue is lagging behind at all, this could result in Flows processing more slowly. As a result, it will also take longer time for the flow to complete the Timer as well. That should be how the Timer delay issue is happening. ResolutionThis is working as expected.