Unable to cancel the flow execution when the flow is runningDescriptionUnable to cancel the flow/subflow execution via sn_fd.FlowAPI.cancel() when the flow/subflow is running and in waiting state. When an action step is cancelled the flow is still showing the step as completed so that the flow continue progressing unexpectedly.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a long running flow by using an long running action- create an action with script step: script step uses "gs.sleep (45 *1000)" to make the action running for 45 seconds- create a flow and add this action. The flow will be triggered by incident insert2. Run this flow 2 times simultaneously or with short interval3. open sys_flow_context and verify both flows are in progress state4. Cancel one of the flows (first flow) and notice the flow state change to "cancel"; and the another one (2nd flow) is still in progress5. Wait for the 2nd flow complete. 6. Notice the first flow states also changes to "complete" and the flow did run completely Please refer the attached update set for set up.WorkaroundUnfortunately there is no any viable workaround for this problem.Related Problem: PRB1619620