How is percent_complete on rm_epic calculated?DescriptionThe 'percent_complete' field in rm_epic is a modifiable field, so it can be changed manually on the form. Additionally, setting the state to 'draft' or 'ready' will set percent_complete to 0%. Setting the state to 'complete' will set percent_complete to 100%, except in the case where the previous state was 'cancelled', in which case percent_complete will remain unchanged. ResolutionThe 'percent_complete' field in rm_epic is a modifiable field, so it can be changed manually on the form. Additionally, setting the state to 'draft' or 'ready' will set percent_complete to 0%. Setting the state to 'complete' will set percent_complete to 100%, except in the case where the previous state was 'cancelled', in which case percent_complete will remain unchanged.