When a user opens some Catalog Tasks or Requested items -- shortcuts on the navigator open a new tab instead of the current tabIssue There is an intermittent issue where opening a list of catalog tasks is causing short cuts/links from the navigator to open a new tab rather than in the current tab. The issue is triggered when opening a form that has the variable editor like Requested items and catalog tasks. Opening a new tab on another page will reset the issue. Only opening the form for RITM (Requested Item) or SC_task (Service Catalog) will trigger it again. ReleaseRomeCauseA variable set had a catalog client script that calls a script include. It is using a GlideAjax to get additional information for options.The scripts themselves follow standard code, and should work as intended. However, the "Applies on Catalog Tasks" is turned on. Turning the catalog client script or "Applies on Catalog Tasks" to off will remove the fixResolutionUntick the "Applies on catalog tasks" - unless the code is necessary.