Filters broken or Filters not appearing in the reports as expected Issue When a report was built on the reference field in the filter/condition and later if the field is deleted then the report is having broken filtersCause1. Login to any instance 2. Go to the sys_dictionary and click on the New button 3. Select table "task_ci", type as "reference", and provide the column name 4. Go to reference specification TAB and provide the reference table name 5. Save the record 6. In the filter navigator, Go to view / run > create a report and provide the report name , source as table, table as task_ci 7. Click on Next 8. Now click on the filter and select the reference column created in the above steps with OR conditions(attached below screenshot) and save the report. 9. Now delete the column created in step 5 and Open the report created in step 8. 10. Observe that the filters are coming as "Choose field" with empty drop downs (attached below screenshot) ResolutionIf we delete any column then check the related reports that are depending/having those columns in the conditions and save those reports by removing those broken conditions in order to get the proper data.