$sw_horizontal_discovery_log does not support tinyUrlDescription$sw_horizontal_discovery_log does not support tinyUrlSteps to Reproduce 1 → Run a pattern discovery2 → Navigate to "Pattern Designer > Discovery Pattern Log"3 → Open one of the records in the list4 → Click on "View Log"5 → The log $sw_horizontal_discovery_log page loads, however no log information is availableNote: The tiny url is generated when the url is greater than the value set for glide.tiny_url_min_length property. Not all pattern executions will generate a tinyUrl. Tiny urls will be generated often when preExecution data is large. To simulate this issue with any pattern log set glide.tiny_url_min_length to a lower value, i.e. 256.WorkaroundInstead of opening up the log from "Pattern Designer > Discovery Pattern Log" (sa_discovery_log), open the log directly from discovery_log related list on the discovery status.Related Problem: PRB1618805