While importing word documents into a knowledge base links are not preservedIssue When importing word documents into a knowledge base, the links are not preserved. Following product documentation it was expected that the links will be preserved and available after importing the word document: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/sandiego-servicenow-platform/page/product/knowledge-management/task/t_ImportADocument.html Once you open the knowledge articles, links are not working. Steps to reproduce: 1. Knowledge > Articles > Import Articles 2. Select a Knowledge Base. 3. Browse the file to import. 4. Click on Import and Continue. 5. Open the newly created KB article, and observe links are not available. ReleaseQuebec, Rome, San Diego, TokyoCauseThe document is in *.doc format, and despite the documentation, the format doesn't preserve the linksResolutionConvert the document to *.docx format.