Decimal field removes decimal point if user locale uses comma as the decimal separator.DescriptionDecimal field removes decimal point if user locale uses comma as the decimal separator.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a decimal field on the incident table.2. Add the attribute "Format" with the Value "none" to the dictionary entry of the above field. 3. Add the decimal field to the incident form. 4. Navigate to the sys_user table. 5. Set the Admin user (or any other users) Language and Country fields to system. 6. Set the browser sensor settings to use a locale that uses a comma as the decimal separator, eg "de-DE". 7. Login to the platform using the user within step 5. 8. Within any incident, set the value of the decimal field to 4000.01.9. Save the field, and notice the value is updated to "400001". 10. Now set the value of the decimal field to "4000,01", and save the form. 11. Notice the value is updated to "4000.01". 12. Now edit the value to add an extra 1 "40001.01", notice on saving this reverts back to "4000101".WorkaroundThe "format" attribute for a numeric field (decimal, glide_duration, etc.) is only intended to affect the display value of a field fetched using the getDisplayValue() API. It is not - and was never - intended to affect user input or the setDisplayValue() API, which expect the user's locale-specific format. This is expected behavior and by design in all currently supported releases.Related Problem: PRB1582538