How to create a Dynamic Segment on Mobile AppSummaryThis article explains how to create a Dynamic Segment on a mobile app with the tables that were used, a few scenarios and detailed steps to create the dynamic segment. There is a document dynamic segment to display data in a form screen mentioned for further referenceReleaseQuebec and above.InstructionsTables in use: Table: Project; Main Field: Project ID.Table: Project Calendar; Main Field: Project ID, Month and Day.Table: Incident; Main Field: Project ID, Month and Day. Scenario: Project records. Project Calendar records associated with Project. Incident records associated with Project, Month and Day. Clicking on a record on the List Applet of Project goes to the Project Record Screen. There are two Screen Segments on the Record Screen: Sticky Record Screen Segment and Dynamic Record Screen Segment. Clicking on the Sticky Record Screen Segment[Static Card View], it load all incident associated with the current Project on the Embedded Screen. Clicking on the Sticky Record Screen Segment[List Screen Card View], it load incident associated with the Project, Month and Day of the Select Project Calendar on the Embedded Screen. Steps to Create: Create a List Applet based on the Project Table.Remove all Record Screen Segments associated with the Record Screen.Create a new Record Screen Segment.Sticky: trueHeader Card: Static Card View.Embedded Screen: A Parameterized List Applet which queries all incidents associated with the current Project ID.Create a new Dynamic Record Screen Segment.Dynamic Segment Stream: Create a Relationship Queried from table "Project Calendar" and Applies to table "Project" use "current.addQuery('proid', parent.proid)". The query field used in the Relationship can be obtained from the current Project.Create A List Screen associated with a Relationship Data Item. A record Screen is not needed.Set the List Stream of the above List Screen to the Dynamic Segment Stream.Embedded Screen: Create a Relationship is Queried from table "Incident" and Applies to Table "Project Calendar" use "current.addQuery('proid', parent.proid)", "current.addQuery('month', parent.month)" and "current.addQuery('month',". The query fields used in the Relationship can be obtained from the selected Project Calendar on the Dynamic Segment StreamCreate A List Applet associated with a Relationship Data Item.Set the Embedded Screen to the above List Applet.- Set the "Root-view attribute JSON" for the Mobile Card Templates of the "Static Card View" and Mobile Card of the Dynamic Record Screen Segment {"OnSelect": { "BackgroundColor" : "Primary", "TextColor": "#FFFFFF" }} Document: Using dynamic segments to display data in a form screen Tips: Can activate the Mobile Time Sheets Plugin for OOB example.