Create consumer and contact auto-population got wiped out because of form refreshDescriptionIn Interaction page side panel, Verify Consumer and Contact when selected and filled should auto populate those respective main interaction tab page details as well. However, when a user fills and saves the side panel for Verify Consumer and Contact those respective details are not saved in the main interaction page.Steps to Reproduce 1. Impersonate as John Jason2. Go to CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace3. Create a new interaction record, set the record Channel and save. Then Verify Consumer and Contact should be there on the side panel4. Go to Verify Consumer and click "Create Consumer" button5. Fill in First name and Last name field and click save.6. Notice that the consumer got auto-populated for 1 second and wiped out immediatelyWorkaround Currently there is no workaround for this issue. You can subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. Related Problem: PRB1606508