Content Taxonomy: Quick links widget loads blank on the "esc" portal although the widget instance is added with the required quick linksIssue Quick links content is added to the page: "ec_dashboard" poart page using the widget: "Quick links". However, the widget does not load the assigned quick links. When the page:"ec_dashboard" is opened using the Page designer, the message: "No preview available" CauseReview the following: Navigate to the table: Quick links ( sn_ex_sp_quick_link.list) Search for the required Quick link that is added to the widget in the column: Quick links name https://<instance_name> Open the record and scroll down to the "Available" for related list.Check if there is any user criteria record is present & open the record in the new tab.Check if there is a Role assigned on the user criteria record.Check if the affected user's profile has the role mentioned on the user criteria.If the role is scoped role, check if scoped role has a value for the field: "Assignable by".ResolutionTo resolve the issue, make sure the affected user has the role mentioned on the user criteria (Available for) assigned on the Quick link (sn_ex_sp_quick_link) record and also make sure the field: "Assignable by" is not empty, if a scoped role is assigned to the user criteria.