Blank Page in Flow Designer when selecting "Approval" Field in an "Update Record" ActionDescriptionSeeing a Blank Page in Flow Designer when selecting "Approval" Field in an "Update Record" Action. In the Browser Console you will also see this Error: designer-bundle.min.js?sysparm_substitute=false&version=1.16.12:301617 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')at processChoiceList (designer-bundle.min.js?sysparm_substitute=false&version=1.16.12:57067:20)at GlideElement.getField (designer-bundle.min.js?sysparm_substitute=false&version=1.16.12:58095:38)CauseThis is most likely happening because the Choice Records for the "Approval" Field on the [task] Table are inactive or missing.ResolutionNavigate to the [sys_choice] TableFilter for Table = task and Element = approvalEnsure there are Some Active Records