Flow variables - not a valid dot-walk for record when trigged from FlowDescriptionWhen the custom Flow-Action is triggered from the Flow/Subflow , the following dot-walking error occurs: Expected Error:Flow Designer: Operation(item.1094cf791b71d1105dbc960cab4bcb7a.e894cf791b71d1105dbc960cab4bcbc8.CR_Step_0e5c521d1b30d9505dbc960cab4bcb39) failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.InValEvaluationException: u_vz_domain_parameter.name is not a valid dot-walk for record cmdb_ci:53f251ce1b02d5545dbc960cab4bcbc3 However, if the same action is executed separately with the same input parameters, dot-walking works as expected and no error occurs. Example:Flow variable Created : ABO > Reference.cmdb_ciABO > SupportedABO.u_vz_teamname_app_parameter > Not Supported When being called through Flow or Subflow and flow variable is passed as input to next Action Step.CauseRight now, we do not support dot-walking on the flow variable that is being passed via the sub-flow.ResolutionWorkaround that is suggested :Create a look-up record in the sub-flow and pass that record to the action where flow variable dot-walk is used.