How to remove the Standard Change Template Library when creating new Standard ChangesSummaryIf you would like to remove the Standard Change Template Library when creating new Standard Changes, then please follow the below steps. You may wish to do so if for example you do not have any templates configured yet and would like the user to be redirected to the Change form for a new Change Request instead.ReleaseAnyInstructions1) If you still want to use the Interceptor view and the "old" workflow based Change Types. Then you can simply edit the Target URL in the intercept for "Standard Change" in the similar way it is for Normal and Emergency: https://<instance-name> You could change it to for example. 2) If you would like to use the newer Change Models and the model ui landing view, then please review the following properties highlighted in the documentation: Change models properties As per the above docs, for the upgraded users, the change model is hidden by default. com.snc.change_management.change_model.hide may be set to true in your instance If you turn it to false, and then go to Change > Create new.You will now see another option, 'Select Change Model: Change Models are "fit for purpose" or "preapproved" changes that are tailored to specific use cases.', clicking on it will display the change model ui landing view. Selecting any change model, it will show up the predefined values and as well create the change accordingly with your configuration. If you have no templates for Standard Changes then it will open the change request form. If you only want to only use the new change model UI view, then you have to set the property "com.snc.change_management.change_model.type_compatibility" to false.