log4j found on a MID Server host, even after upgrading the InstanceIssue This article is for confirming your active MID Servers are running the correct patched versions of Log4j and OpenJDK for the instance version, and finding old installs or backup folders that may still have old versions of files in, so that you can then uninstall/delete them. Table of Contents Detailed information on MID Servers and Log4j VulnerabilitiesExpected log4j, SLF4J, Reload4j, and OpenJDK versions for recent releases, and old left-over filesConfirming JAR file versionsConfirming OpenJDK versionFinding all active MID ServersFinding Services and FilesDeleting/Uninstalling MID Server files Detailed information on MID Servers and Log4j Vulnerabilities This article is deliberately not going into the potential vulnerabilities. See KB1000959 for details. Expected log4j, SLF4J, Reload4j, and OpenJDK versions for recent releases, and old left-over files If you have upgraded the instance, and the MID Servers have been able to upgrade themselves to match, then these are the file versions you should have now. At the time of writing (autumn 2022), all instances should have been upgraded to the 2.17.1 version of log4j. This list is mainly so you can confirm which ServiceNow versions old version files might have come from, as part of confirming that they are from inactive installs. Important Note: log4j-to-slf4j.jar and log4j-over-slf4j.jar are translation wrappers, to allow legacy code calls to log4j APIs to be redirected to SLF4J instead. These were used to allow the MID Server to no longer require Log4j. From the list below, you can see that jarlog4j-to-slf4j.jar replaced the problematic log4j-core.jar, which contains the same functions, so dependencies are not broken, but they all redirect to SLF4J instead. Note on Reload4j: The reload4j project is a fork of Apache log4j.jar version 1.2.17, and a drop-in replacement of log4j.jar, in order to fix most pressing security issues. ServiceNow VersionLog4j filesSLF4J filesReload4j filesJava files log4j.jarlog4j-core.jarlog4j-to-slf4j.jarlog4j-slf4j-impl.jarlog4j-api.jarlog4j-over-slf4j.jarreload4j.jarOpenJDKCalgary, Dublin, Eureka, Fuji, Geneva, Helsinki, Istanbul, Jakarta1.2.8, 1.2.15, 1.2.17Not includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot included6u14, 6u45, 8u40, 8u60Kingston, London1.2.17Not includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot included1.8.0_152Madrid, New York, Orlando1.2.17Not includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot included1.8.0_181Paris, Orlando Patch 3, New York Patch 81.2.17Not includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot includedNot included1.8.0_232Quebec1.2.17Not includedNot includedNot included2.11.1Not includedNot included11.0.8Quebec Patch 10, Quebec Patch 9 Hot Fix 3, Not included2.16.0Not included2. included11.0.8Quebec Patch 10 HotFix 1, Quebec Patch 9 Hot Fix 4a, Quebec Patch 9 Hot Fix 3bNot included2.17.1Not included2. included2.14.0Not included2. included11.0.9.1Rome Patch 6,Rome Patch 5,Rome Patch 4 Hot Fix 1Not included2.16.0Not included2. included11.0.9.1Rome Patch 7, Rome Patch 6 Hot Fix 1, Rome Patch 4 Hot Fix 1bNot included2.17.1Not included2. DiegoNot included2.16.0Not included2. included11.0.12San Diego Patch 1Not included2.17.1Not included2. includedNot included2.17.1Not included2. included11.0.15UtahNot includedNot included2.17.1Not included2. included11.0.16.1VancouverNot includedNot included2.17.1Not included2. included17.0.5 XanaduNot includedNot included2.17.1Not included2. included17.0.10YokohamaNot includedNot included2.17.1Not included2. included17.0.12 Only the first major versions release, and patch versions where things changed are shown. Confirming JAR file versions You can manually confirm the JAR file versions by unzipping the jar file, e.g. agent]\lib\log4j-core.jar, and opening the META-INF\MANIFEST>MF file within. Note: JAR files are like ZIP files, and can be opened by e.g. 7-Zip. Confirming OpenJDK version You can confirm the OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment version, by opening the agent\jre\release file. Finding all active MID Servers In the instance, open a list of MID Servers. Add the "Host name" and "Home folder" column to the list. These columns will tell you where the install folder is. If the MID Server is Up then it is active, and should be on the same version as the instance. If it is Up and on an older version, ithe reason for the failed upgrade should be investigated and solved, because it needs to be upgraded to be compatible with the instance.If it is in Down status, but the Last Refreshed date is very recent, then the MID Server is probably still active, but has recently had a communication problem that needs investigating and solving.If a MID Server is Down, and has been down for a long while, where the Last Refreshed date may be months or years ago, then you can assume this MID Server is no longer in use. Only a MID Server that is Up will know that it has to upgrade, so often Down MID Servers will still be on the old version they were running when they were last used.If MID Server records in the instance are deleted, this does not actually uninstall the MID Server from the host server it was originally installed on. You may have lost track of some old installs due to having done this.The home folder is the 'agent' folder. Within that are the agent\lib and agent\jre folders, that any scan results' files are likely to be in.If your scanner reports files in folders that you cannot account for from the lists of mid server sin your instances, then they are probably inactive installs, or perhaps backup folders of installs, or temporary folders created while fixing something in the past. Those can all be deleted. Finding Services and Files If you know the host, but not much else, you can find Services with the command line:wmic service get | findstr /c:"\conf\wrapper.conf" /c:"DisplayName" To find the files that may be an old backup folder, or temp folders, and not actually installed as services, you can use dir:dir /s /b mid.jar Comparing the UP mid server record, with those active services, and those folders, will tell you what can be deleted. You may choose to use a spreadsheet to keep track of these and match them up. Deleting/Uninstalling MID Server files Once you have confirmed an install folder ('agent' folder) is not for a currently active MID Server, you can remove the windows service and delete the files. Don't forget that you have at least 2 instances, and so you should compile a list of all active MID Server host name/home folder, from all instances, before deciding to start deleting anything inactive. Stop the windows service.The command line "wmic service get | findstr /c:"\conf\wrapper.conf" /c:"DisplayName" will output all MID Server services. The "Name" field is the service name, and "PathName" will allow you to confirm which install folder this service is for, to match to your scan results.Delete the windows service. Delete the service with the command line "sc delete <service name>"Delete the files.The home folder/"agent" folder and everything within can be deleted.Delete the MID Server record in the instanceReleaseAny listed.Resolution No action is neededRelated LinksKB1536827 Listing of MID Server lib folder JAR File manifests including Version information (Vancouver EA) KB1184230 Microsoft Defender gives false alert for Log4j exploitation detected/Apache exploitation detected and Multi-stage incident on MID Server host