[AI Search] How to enable full AIS debug mode on a single user session and download the AIS debug logs when using the AI Search Preview tool to diagnose AI Search query, performance, security and Genius Results issuesSummaryWe provide the AI Search Preview tool with the application Advanced AI Search Management Tools [sn_ais_admin_tools], which requires no subscription to diagnose AI Search query, performance, security and Genius Results issues. This article will show you how to capture the AIS debug logs to provide to ServiceNow Technical Support that will assist with troubleshooting the issue.Instructions1. First login as a user with the [admin] role on the affected instance to enable Debug AI Search - Note: Enabling debugging only impacts this user session and no other user sessions. 2. Open the Script Debugger in a new Web Browser window - 3. In the Script Debugger window, click on the Session Log tab and click on the Settings button - 4. To ensure all debug logging is captured, select the Select All checkbox and click on the Enable button - 5. Next open the AI Search Preview tool from the Navigator menu and select the Search Profile from the drop-down list, where the issue with AIS is reproducible - 6. In the AI Search Preview tool, click on the Feedback tab and enable AIS debug by clicking on the Debug slider and switch it on to green - 7. Using the Context Settings and/or User Impersonation tabs in the AI Search Preview tool, ensure you have the same settings as the user, where the AIS issue is reproducible. You should now be ready to use the search term in order to reproduce the issue, but before you click on the Search button, clear the existing logs in the Script Debugger window - 8. Switch back to the Script Debugger window and click on the Clear log button in the Session Log tab - 9. Click on the Clear log button in the Confirmation window - 10. Switch back to the AI Search Preview tool, and click on the Search button after confirming the correct search term to reproduce the issue with AIS. Once the search has been processed, in the Process Data tab, you will see the various broken down timings for the AI Search results - 11. Switch back to the Script Debugger window and click on the Download Log button to download the HTML debug log file containing the full AIS debug logs - 12. The HTML debug log file (i.e. log 08-39-04.html) has now been downloaded and saved to the Download folder on the local machine. This file can now be attached to the ServiceNow Technical Support case with steps to reproduce and expected/actual search results and behaviour -