Workspace - Unable to hide some fields in Highlighted details sectionIssue Configuring the control sidebar to hide the fields in the Details section.ResolutionTo hide the sections of the Agent workspace you can follow the steps: Navigate to filter navigator 'Now Experience Framework' > 'UI builder' 2. From 'My experiences' select 'GRC Workspace' 3. Click on page in the top-left corner and search for 'Control Sidebar' 4. From the Content section select the element you wish to hide - for example, 'Container 1 5. In the top right corner click on the 'eye' icon - 'Edit Component Visibility' 6. Switch to the 'Config' tab in the right pane 7. Highlight 'component visibility' and click on 'code' icon -'</>' 8. In the pop-up replace the value in line #7 with 'return 'true';' 9. Repeat steps #4-#8 for all elements you wish to hide.