In the 'MSSql DB On Windows' pattern, the MSFT SQL Instance 'Edition' is not populated accurately in the identification section step "Get edition from sqlservr -v if empty"Issue The MSFT SQL Instance 'Edition' populated using the command "sqlservr -v" is not accurate but if the instance is specified in the command "sqlservr -v -s <instance_name>", then the 'Edition' is populated accuratelyCauseIn the pattern "MSSql DB On Windows", at step 50. Get edition from sqlservr -v if emptyWe use the following command to fetch the version: "\"" + $process.executablePath + "\" -v"This command uses "sqlservr -v" to fetch the Edition which might not be accurate as stated in sqlservr Application doc: sqlservr [-s instance_name] [-v] -s instance_name Specifies the instance of SQL Server to connect to. If no named instance is specified, sqlservr starts the default instance of SQL Server If we change the command by adding the instance name option: "\"" + $process.executablePath + "\" -v -s <Instance_Name>"This command uses "sqlservr -v -s <instance_name>" to fetch the Edition which will be more accurateResolutionIn the Extension section "Set Edition if empty" of the pattern 'MSSql DB on Windows', we use the -s option as specified in the sqlservr Application documentation which will fetch the Edition value accurately. But this extension section will terminate if the Edition value is already populated in the identification section of 'MSSql DB on Windows' pattern. To update this behavior and have the extension section override the Edition value fetched in the identification section: 1. Open "MSSql DB on Windows" pattern under which open the "Set Edition if empty" section in pattern designer.2. Disable step 1 "verify edition is empty"3. Add another condition in step 5 to the existing condition "$edition is Not Empty"4. Save the extension and run Pattern Sync to Mid You can also simply import the attached update which has these changes.Related LinksMicrosoft Documentation: