Agent Workspace lists show no recordsIssue Having upgraded from Rome to San Diego it was found that, for some users, all lists within the Agent Workspace no longer displayed any records within them. The column headers displayed, as did the record rowcount, but the records themselves did not. ReleaseSan DiegoCauseIt was found that a 'glide.ui.date_format' User Preference record had been created in all instances, where there was a typo in the 'value' field and the 'system' field was set to 'true'. The 'glide.ui.date_format' User Preference is set for users when they set their 'Date/Time' preferences in the 'General' tab of the User Settings dialog. By default there is no 'system' User Preference of this type configured in an out of box instance. It can be, though, to default the settings to all users who haven't specifically set it for themselves. When setting this User Preference the quotation marks had been omitted. That is, the value had been set to: {timeAgo:false,dateBoth:false} Whereas it should be: {"timeAgo":false,"dateBoth":false} This behaviour therefore affected all users who hadn't specifically set this preference themselves, the system defaulting to this one. This typo did not affect things in Rome though, the underlying code having been tightened up in San Diego.ResolutionCorrecting the typo resolved this behaviour.