The Favorites menu is lost for a few users after instance clone and then upgradeIssue Users experience losing their Favorites after the instance was cloned and upgraded, due to non-matching sys_IDs of their User records between the source and target instance.CauseSys_ID's of affected users are different in sys_user table for the affected instance after comparing with other instances. If the affected records sys_id are different across the two instances, exporting/importing the record XML will not update the record. The XML file contains a sys_user table sys_id that does not exist in the target sys_user table.ResolutionFavorites are stored in the table [sys_ui_bookmark] along with the related User [sys_user] sys_id. The original records need to be retrieved from a back up if possible, for users to recreate their new favorites in the new instance, not using the export/import functionality.