Unable to add to featured content for knowledge articles defined in taxonomy topicsDescriptionUnable to add to featured content for knowledge articles defined in taxonomy topics with Employee Center plugin version 25.0.3 works fine in version 23.0.7Steps to Reproduce 1.Hop to any fresh SanDiego Instance2.Install Employee Center plugin with version 25.0.33.Install Taxonomy plugin id=sn_ect4.In navigator select portals and open employee center 5.Under related list taxonomy check if OOB employee taxonomy is added.If it is not added click on edit and select the employee and link taxonomy to portal6.Navigate to topics and select "Risk and Compliance". Under related list we have connected content and featured content7.Click on new in connected content and select content type as knowledge and select available knowledge article8.In featured content click new and select connected content added above9.Open esc portal and click on "Risk and Compliance" we will see featured is not added for article.Note :To reproduce the issue please make sure plugin id com.glideapp.knowledge.i18n2 is inactive when featured content is added for articles it used to show as featured in portal in version 23.0.7 but in version 25.0.3 it is not workingActual :"Knowledge Articles" are not shown as featured.Expected:"Knowledge Articles" should show as featured.WorkaroundThis PRB has been fixed. Please upgrade to fixed version (26.0.4) for resolution.Related Problem: PRB1585313