Business rule is not triggering when a previous version KB article is changed to outdatedIssue A business rule is a server-side script that runs when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, or deleted, or when a table is queried.A custom business rule was set to run when a previous version article is changed to outdated state, but the business rule is failing to trigger: 1. Create a BR with conditions as workflow changes to outdated, and then select after insert to run the business rule on kb_knowledge table.2. Open any published knowledge article and click on checkout. A new version is created in the draft state.3. Publish the knowledge article which will change the previous version to outdated.CauseThere is no audit present for the update when an article is changed to outdated.The above is present OOB because setworkflow(false) is used in line 272 of the script include below, which updates the article:/ new business rule will be required in order to update again to outdated the previous version of the article when the latest version is published.