Opening a catalog item/KB Article in "emp_taxonomy_topic" portal page opens a blank window showing "blocked"DescriptionIn Employee Center Portal, Opening a catalog item/KB Article in "emp_taxonomy_topic" portal page opens a blank window showing "blocked"about:blank#blockedSteps to Reproduce 1) Login to any OOB Sandiego instance.2) Open the below URL: Right click - open in New tab on any Catalog Item/Article such as "Apple iPad 3" etc.,Expected: The item should be opened in new tab/windowActual: A blank page is opened with URL as "about:blank#blocked"NOTE: This issue doesn't happen in OOB Rome instance. Right click itself is disabled here.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed in SR - HR - Employee Center Bundle - November 2022 If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1594701