Seeing Severe Slowness when loading the [tsp2_project] TableDescriptionWhen loading the TeamSpace2 Project [tsp2_project] Table you are seeing severe slowness and sometimes the transaction is failing to complete.CauseThis could be happening due to Recursive Calculated Fields which are being used in the [tsp2_project] Dictionary. Recursive calculated field on tsp2_project.u_custom_field_name for record with sys_id=[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] is being ignored. Call Stack: table_name.u_custom_field.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tsp2_project.u_custom_field_name.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If the Custom Fields are using a Calculated Value which is performing a Recursive Query then it can cause the loading time to significantly increase. For example: Using a Custom Calculated Field on [tsp2_project] you are Querying for a Record in Another Table, in that Other Table you are using another Custom Calculated Field which is Querying for a Record on [tsp2_project] this causes the Calculated Field to be recursively called on Both Tables.ResolutionYou must review and modify the Calculated Fields to ensure they are not performing any Recursive Queries. To test you can uncheck the "Calculated" Checkbox from the Dictionary Entry on the respective Table.