Archived records are not appearing in global searchDescriptionGlobal search is not returning results for archived records (any records in [ar_xyz] tables)Steps to Reproduce Create an archive rule for a specific table ie 'incident'Trigger the archiving of some initial recordsCheck the records in ar_incident tableDo a global search for the records existing in [ar_incident] table by Number fieldThe expectation is the record should be returned, but it is instead not found.Workaround Create/update the property 'glide.ui.text_search.enable_fallback_number_search' and set the value to 'true'. This will force the exact match search to search the tables specified by the property mentioned in #2 (or its system default values).Create/update the property "glide.ui.text_search.fallback_table_list" and set the value to the table that you want to be searched for exact match. The default value of this property is "task,kb_knowledge". So, if you want to add the 'ar_xyz' table, you can set the property value to 'task,kb_knowledge,ar_xyz' Related Problem: PRB1576108