Errror while installing Agent Client on Mac-OS SummaryWhile installing Agent client on the mac-OS, we may encounter below errors.InstructionsERROR 1: 2022-09-15T17:08:42.20 [FATAL] [agent] [open /Library/Application Support/ServiceNow/agent-client-collector/acc.yml: permission denied] error executing acc 2022-09-15T17:08:52.28 [FATAL] [agent] [open /Library/Application Support/ServiceNow/agent-client-collector/acc.yml: permission denied] error executing acc ERROR 2: 2022-09-15T17:15:45.67 [INFO] [agent] Agent Protection: Got new check List; init protection data. Using standard CPU limit of 5 percent 2022-09-15T17:15:45.67 [DEBUG] [agent] checkIfIpsChanged: invoked with ipAddresses: [] 2022-09-15T17:15:45.67 [DEBUG] [agent] Interface Name : en5 ipv4Addr: <IP ADDRESS> netMask: fffffe00 on-link route: 2022-09-15T17:15:45.67 [INFO] [agent] connecting to backend URL: wss:///ws/events 2022-09-15T17:15:45.67 [DEBUG] [agent] [Accept: application/octet-stream] setting header 2022-09-15T17:15:45.74 [ERROR] [agent] [handshake failed with status 401] reconnection attempt failed to the url: wss:///ws/events 2022-09-15T17:15:45.79 [DEBUG] [agent] checkIfIpsChanged: invoked with ipAddresses: 2022-09-15T17:15:45.79 [DEBUG] [agent] Interface Name : en5 ipv4Addr: netMask: on-link route: 2022-09-15T17:15:45.79 [DEBUG] [agent] MID selector has no next MID server STEPS TO REPRODUCE: --> Issues/errors can be reproduced while installing ACC on MAC OS. CAUSE: -->The acc.yml is not having sufficient permissions. -->Customer needs to check with their Network team/ wait for next 10 mins for error 2. RESOLUTION: 1. For fixing the permission issues, please use below commands. Please note that the default user would be _servicenow. #chown _servicenow:_servicenow /Library/Application\ Support/servicenow/agent-client-collector/acc.yml 2. Please run the below commands for restarting the service from Mac OS terminal. #sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 3. ACC Service can be validated by using the below command. #sudo launchctl list | grep acc The service will list as below with 97331(example PID) will be different in your machine.6140 0 0 -9 0 Related Links#acc.yml path /Library/Application\ Support/servicenow/agent-client-collector/acc.yml#acc logs path /var/log/servicenow/agent-client-collector/acc.log Detailed installation and un-installtion steps can be found here