Replication lag due to large number of Discovery logs for identification attemptsDescriptionReplication lag due to large number of Discovery logs for CI identification.Steps to Reproduce Have a large number of Service AccountsDiscovery all the service accounts in a single Discovery ScheduleAfter Discovery is completed, check the discovery_log table for the number of entries for identificationFor cloud discovery there would be a large number of "cmdb_ci_cloud_hardware_type" identification logsWorkaroundUpgrade to fixed released. The identification attempt logs are no longer added to discovery_log in the fixed release. In the fixed released this is controlled by system property "glide.discovery.ire_logs_in_discovery", the default value is false. Identification attempts logging to discovery_log can be enabled back by setting "glide.discovery.ire_logs_in_discovery" to true if desired. In a pre fix version, to workaround this issue: Split the schedule into multiple smaller schedulesHave one of the smaller schedules run at the desired timeRun the following schedules serially by setting the "Run" field to "After Discovery" Related Problem: PRB1579421