"Hide Quantity" Field does not hide catalog item quantity in SummaryIssue Prior to upgrading to San Diego, When the "Hide Quantity" field on a catalog item record was selected as true, The quantity value of the item would show up as empty when submitting a catalog request through a Catalog Order Guide Summary. After Upgrading to San Diego, However, it appears that the "Quantity" will show Regardless of whether or not "Hide Quantity" is set to true or false in the Catalog Order Guide Summary. Please See the Steps to Reproduce to witness and Example: 1. on an OOTB instance, go to the following sc_cat_item record:https://<instance>.service-now.com/sc_cat_item.do?sys_id=bd6fa75a4f334200086eeed18110c79e 2. under the "portal settings" tab on the form, set "Hide Quantity" to true and hit save3. on the same instance go to sp portal and select "Get Help"4. Select the "New Hire" order guide5. fill out the necessary fields on this new sc_cat_item guide for to as if you were making a item requst-- Select Mobile Device Type = iPhone-- hit next, and shut off all mandatory fields EXECPT for iPhone 6s-- Hit next Expected behavior:That on the SC Order Guide Summary, the quantity will show as empty, only show "--" Actual behavior:The Quantity will still display a numberReleaseSan DiegoCauseDue to recent design decision made in San Diego in response to PRB1510374, This is considered expected behavior. The "Hide Quantity" Field on catalog item records is not expected to hide the quantity of the items being displayed within the order guide summary. This field, however, does hide the option to select an order Quantity when make stand along request for catalog items. ( See Screenshots for Comparison)