Users unable to click the Manage Attachments button on the Incident formIssue When users click on the Manage Attachments button in the Incident form, the operation is aborted with the console error below: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getElementsByTagName')CauseSome special characters present in the attachment name string are causing the browser console error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getElementsByTagName')at GlideModal._renderFromAjax (js_includes_last_doctype.jsx?v=07-12-2022_1907&lp=Sun_Aug_21_04_45_21_PDT_2022&c=24_565:7601:19)at e._responseReceived (js_includes_doctype.jsx?v=07-12-2022_1907&lp=Sun_Aug_21_04_45_21_PDT_2022&c=24_565:16155:6)at e._processReqChangeResolutionThe affected attachment file needs to be deleted from the [sys_attachment] table, the original file name needs to be modified, and then the file can be re-attached.