When a TPP extended table (CMDB) is created with the session/system language other than English, the clone descendent sys_documentation records created are language=en but have the field label from the non-English languageDescriptionThis issue can be encountered when creating a table in the CMDB hierarchy, which uses the Table-per-Partition extension model. With this extension model the new CMDB table will have sys_dictionary and sys_documentation records cloned from the records on the parent table, along with the sys_dictionary and sys_documentation records for any fields which are introduced on the new table.If a CMDB table is created in a language other than English, for example Dutch, then the cloned sys_documentation records will have language=en but will have the label from the language=nl sys_documentation record.For example:cmdb_ci.sys_created_on: language=en label is "Created" and the language=nl label is "Gemaakt"If a table is created extending cmdb_ci then it only has a single sys_documentation record for language=en but the label will be "Gemaakt" and not "Created".The issue can be reproduced in the UI on the instance or when a plugin or application is activated or updated and that introduces new tables to the CMDB hierarchy. e.g. CMDB CI Class Models, or Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns. This will also happen when out-of-box tables are created by upgrades when the system language is non-English, e.g. cmdb_ci_service_business added in Rome.Steps to Reproduce Activate a language plugin and wait for the installation to complete, for example Dutch (nl).Change the session language to the new languageNavigate to sys_db_object.do and create a new table extending cmdb_ci, for example u_tpp_table_1Navigate to sys_documentation and view the sys_documentation records in English and Dutch for the sys_created_on fields for the new table (u_tpp_table_1):https://instance.service-now.com/sys_documentation_list.do?sysparm_query=name%3Dcmdb_ci%5EORname%3Du_tpp_table_1%5EelementSTARTSWITHsys_created_on&sysparm_view= cmdb_ci.sys_created_on: lang=en label="Created"cmdb_ci.sys_created_on: lang=nl label="Gemaakt"u_tpp_table_1.sys_created_on: lang=en label="Gemaakt" Note: Any new field added to the table at the time of creation will get a sys_documentation record for both languages with the label set at the point when the field was created. For an example using a scoped application: Activate a language plugin and wait for the installation to complete, for example Dutch (nl).Change the session language to the new languageNavigate to allappsmgmt.doEnter "CMDB CI Class Models" in the search fieldInstance/Activate the "CMDB CI Class Models" applicationList the sys_documentation for lang=en created by the application and review the labels, non-English labels should be obvious:https://instance.service-now.com/sys_documentation_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_scope.name%3DCMDB%20CI%20Class%20Models%5Elanguage%3Den&sysparm_view= An example of this happening during an upgrade: On a Quebec instanceActivate a language plugin and wait for the installation to complete, for example Finnish (fi).set the system lanbguage to Finnish - glide.sys.language = fiUpgrade to RomeA new table cmdb_ci_service_business is added by the upgradeList the sys_documentation records for lang=en created during the time of the upgrade. e.g. cmdb_ci_service_business parent en Päätaso Parents cmdb_ci_service_business consumer_type en Kuluttajatyyppi Consumer types cmdb_ci_service_business discovery_source en Discovery-lähde Discovery sources List the equivalent sys_dictionary records for these new fields. The Column Label will also be in Finnish e.g. cmdb_ci_service_business aliases Aliaksetcmdb_ci_service_business asset Omaisuuscmdb_ci_service_business asset_tag Omaisuustunnistecmdb_ci_service_business assigned Määritettycmdb_ci_service_business assigned_to Vastuuhenkilö WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. For out-of-box tables, a repair is possible: On the affected instance, Delete the sys_documentation records, where language=en, and the Table= the affected table.Export the same records as XML from an instance that has system language English, and the same version and plugins/apps installed. A demo/developer program instance could be used for this.Import the XML record to the affected instance. An XML attachment with records to correct the cmdb_ci_service_business table labels is here.Related Problem: PRB1538591